Sunday, April 29, 2007

Create Wrestling Name

Jonathan Coe - WOMEN OF CHANCE

first novel, the first approach: fresh and facilities.

I know perfectly well that everyone will understand this kind of behavior absolutely compulsive leading player when he discovered a new writer that loves to read all of his work in the coming days! Is this good posture to adopt? Would not it wiser to "keep a little below the elbow, to spare his pleasure? Go see a bit also read other series of pages related to better return on time and return the pleasure that had made us go backwards.

I have no answer of course but I am continuing my compulsive reading titles by Jonathan Coe with "Woman of chance," his first novel, he was 25 or 26 years surely. In this respect it is a good novel.

It tells the story of Maria's life. In high school, then Oxford, then the errors of his adult life. Maria is one of those people without dreams, simple pleasures, not fundamentally or naturally sociable good company. And these few pages we have followed his descent into hell of disillusionment. Every being, every place, every situation will disappoint. Each draft of friendship will turn against it, each situation will show its dark side. Jonathan Coe

use here of a bitter and uncompromising cynicism that I do not really know him in his latest works. He spares none of his characters, none of literary cliches nor any of our poor little crass human inclinations. Strangeness of this story, the author intervenes. But directly. The writer addresses the reader directly in his scriptural work. So you see "That does not bother you that I relate this passage to the past, I've had enough of the other time. "Or, on a trait of Maria "I described in Chapter III. These interruptions, however, lose in originality through the pages to gain a little bit heavy. But it is a first work, it's funny and thoughtful. Reads quickly. Reads well.

Friday, April 27, 2007

What Is A Womans Vergina

Philip Gill - KILLED THE NAP

Scriptures daily newspapers or writings? That's right ... the problem

Small special mention to the author for his choice of title. An excellent title is rare and it shows. By cons which is much more frequent this is a good way that leaves the reader full of future expectations, desires and promises ... to abandon their fill from the first pages in the worst case.

I do not know if Philippe Delerm name. This collection of short texts (36 texts 95 pages total) seemed like a good beginning. And what I like the authors aimed to life around them! It's so cool when will have some fresh air when we are immersed in reading a great work (I'm in Volume 4 of the Clan of the Otori!). Yes but you must place a literary interest. Yes but we have found in thinking between words, a questioning brain that keeps us alert, which establishes a dialogue between the author and ourselves.

I'm annoyed because the texts are beautiful Delerm. But they tell only aesthetic, without thought, without emotion brain other than the enclave of beauty and style. It's interesting and pompous, it is common and overdone but it's beautiful. It dissects the artichoke down his trash, sings rain on Roland Garros, will discourse on the value of giving the old place in the subway ... I do not get mad writing this note: this there are four topics of the 36 texts of the collection!

In fact, we go out there, hesitating on the approach from the pen of Delerm. Two possibilities: Either
the author has sought to carve out his talent in tiny moments of nothing to study and plunder aesthetics to the extreme, extract the best of all, see the poetry in everyday life. It takes a while commonplace, a fragment of everyday objects everyday and sucking the marrow to increase this literary "nothing" to the rank of Diamond writing. In this case it is worthy of a great work. Either he delivered to his publisher a corpus of essays Did not finish its fifth year, when he was in love with Miss Lambert, the French teacher, and he would have done everything to impress.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Clear Blister In My Mouth Why

Vincent Abry joined Kappa

And yes, I had promised, the veil is lifted on the stranger who joined Kappa. Vincent Abry , freshly back from Montreal, has chosen to put his knowledge and skills in web marketing and online communication for Kappa.
For those who do not know who is Vincent? It is obviously better placed than me to come, but you can go read his blog here:
For now, we all agreed he acted as external consultant, and that He joined the team more definitively in the next two or three months.
Its main tasks: to participate in the facilitation and promotion of the blog, think about the guidelines of web marketing, working on SEO ... Enough to do well in the coming months ...
Welcome to you Vincent.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Brazilian Wax Job Images What Is A Brazilian

Lian Hearn - The Clan of the Otori (Flight of the Heron, T.4)

A tire d'Ailes, Takeo the Heron's back?

I really ask myself this question ... How impatiently I threw myself on the fourth and final volume of fabulous Clan Otori by Lian Hearn. The author was rewarded with an epic that I have already commented, quality and a unique and extremely bill original. This latest installment, the "end" of the Otori clan, was expected as a new literary miracle.

And the spell is still operating, although Lian Hearn has completely changed the pattern of his work. The carving is so different. With long epic chapters are substituted 55 short chapters five to twelve pages. Where the first three volumes consisted in the memories of the young Takeo, therefore written in first person, it is narrated by an omniscient narrator external. However we are lulled by the true talent of the author as a storyteller who loses his eminently still epic. We is on the verge of falling into the soap on the first two hundred pages.

The story opens by stating that a big fifteen years has passed. Takeo and Kaede rule the three countries they govern in peace and prosperity. They have three daughters, one arrives at the age of taking power in the domain of Maruyama. All goes well until everything collapses ... nothing new!

It is always difficult to try to book a ticket on a built-in a series, especially the ends, as is obviously the famous "end" chosen by the author that one is inclined to criticize, at least to assess in terms of his own reading of the characters. Without revealing it, I really need to say I do not like this. If it matches the spirit of a work that itself is trying to convey that of an epoch, a culture, we reach the denouement a little like a hair in the soup for the sole purpose theater, spectacular, there where all the work was done by necessity, fate, the inevitable rigidity of the codes of human conduct. Strange. Damage. But a great memory remain after digestion ...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pokemon Hot May And Dawn

The blog is open

's it, it's official, Kappa has a blog: And the good news is that I will not be alone to write. And yes, as I said , the team is expanding ... So who is the mysterious new? My faith is like the polls for the elections, we have no right to speak before the official time. His name will be unveiled in the coming hours ... A little patience ...

So, I do not know yet what will happen to this blog (well away recently). I do not stop, but the rate may decline a little (And yes, it's possible!).

Apart from that, the more impatient of you who want to learn more about Kappa shall obtain the number of the Journal of Business May, publishing high-Rhin (how does everyone there no access?). Interview required, I gave some information. But rest assured, you will find them soon on the blog of Kappa ...

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Physical Therapy Gift Suggestion

My MobileTag

What's that? Modern art? No, it's a tag for mobile phone. A bar code evolved. With that, those who have compatible phones (not me unfortunately) can photograph the tag, and get my card. Without typing anything. It's beautiful technology, right?
course, as always for a new technology, there are different companies that develop their own standards, hoping to become the major player, and totally incompatible with the competitors. The MobileTag no exception to the rule. But if I understand it, especially at the global level, Japan and some European countries use the standard QR-code. In France, there seems to be that MobileTag.
More info here: https: / /
And if anyone has a compatible phone, please let me know for sure that it works ...

PS you think she likes that kind of Technorati tags?

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Flu Like Symptoms When Quitting Smoking

OpenID and PHP

As you probably know (or maybe not), OpenID is a protocol, and is not related to technology. It is therefore possible to implement OpenID authentication whatever language you use for your site. There is on this page a list of resources to implement a client (or server) OpenID:
However, we regularly hear that these are more or less bugged.
Well yesterday I discovered a new class developed by OmniTI (which is more present for PHP developers). This class allows you to set up a client in a few lines OpenId.
The documentation is not the most explicit I find (a small tutorial would not luxury, I'll see if I have time to do that), but you can still take a look here: https: / / / docs / alexandria / gen.OmniTI_OpenID.html

Happy programming ...

Monday, April 2, 2007

Friday Night Gay Charlotte

GMail: a problem with POP access?

For me, it's been a few days I can no longer check my mail in my GMail mailbox. Web access works without problem, but the most POPs. However, I have absolutely nothing changed in my settings ...
On the web, I have not heard of other worries, but ... So it is nice to be able to print his emails free, but I prefer to read them already on my computer ...