Thursday, April 5, 2007

Physical Therapy Gift Suggestion

My MobileTag

What's that? Modern art? No, it's a tag for mobile phone. A bar code evolved. With that, those who have compatible phones (not me unfortunately) can photograph the tag, and get my card. Without typing anything. It's beautiful technology, right?
course, as always for a new technology, there are different companies that develop their own standards, hoping to become the major player, and totally incompatible with the competitors. The MobileTag no exception to the rule. But if I understand it, especially at the global level, Japan and some European countries use the standard QR-code. In France, there seems to be that MobileTag.
More info here: https: / /
And if anyone has a compatible phone, please let me know for sure that it works ...

PS you think she likes that kind of Technorati tags?


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