Sunday, April 29, 2007

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Jonathan Coe - WOMEN OF CHANCE

first novel, the first approach: fresh and facilities.

I know perfectly well that everyone will understand this kind of behavior absolutely compulsive leading player when he discovered a new writer that loves to read all of his work in the coming days! Is this good posture to adopt? Would not it wiser to "keep a little below the elbow, to spare his pleasure? Go see a bit also read other series of pages related to better return on time and return the pleasure that had made us go backwards.

I have no answer of course but I am continuing my compulsive reading titles by Jonathan Coe with "Woman of chance," his first novel, he was 25 or 26 years surely. In this respect it is a good novel.

It tells the story of Maria's life. In high school, then Oxford, then the errors of his adult life. Maria is one of those people without dreams, simple pleasures, not fundamentally or naturally sociable good company. And these few pages we have followed his descent into hell of disillusionment. Every being, every place, every situation will disappoint. Each draft of friendship will turn against it, each situation will show its dark side. Jonathan Coe

use here of a bitter and uncompromising cynicism that I do not really know him in his latest works. He spares none of his characters, none of literary cliches nor any of our poor little crass human inclinations. Strangeness of this story, the author intervenes. But directly. The writer addresses the reader directly in his scriptural work. So you see "That does not bother you that I relate this passage to the past, I've had enough of the other time. "Or, on a trait of Maria "I described in Chapter III. These interruptions, however, lose in originality through the pages to gain a little bit heavy. But it is a first work, it's funny and thoughtful. Reads quickly. Reads well.


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