Record kilometers
I loop this week with 132.6 km, which is my record for a week (6 days of training). I am very satisfied because I did not suspect any pain and fatigue is strongly related to what I did. The quality has not been neglected since Wednesday I swallowed a series of 10x1000 Track and Saturday, as a meeting of pace, a race of 8.2 kilometers Cortaillod Saturday. This race has not left me a lasting impression because I really struggled to move fast, but the big ride the next day was pretty good, with 33km to 2:30, and only in the rain. In weeks like this, it must be well organized, allowing also the place to rest and do not neglect care such as massage or osteopathy if necessary (thank you Pascal, Claudia and Chris!), and make an appointment with his orthopedic soles to remake early enough before the big target (thank you Vincent!). I am also grateful to my partners that allow me to practice this "leisure" intensively alongside a part time job (Sporttip, Natural Gas and Asics). But again I must thank the team of "soup" of RSR, I podcast regularly to distract me a bit during my training (I often burst Laughter in nature), and also David Guetta and his guests that make me easily earn 1-2km / h when the fatigue and lack of competition make me a little stagnant in terms of speed.
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