Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Much Meat On A White Tail

What to do with our disappointment?

What to do with our disappointment?

"Whoever wants to know who he really is should be a tireless and fanatical collector of disillusionment [...] then he would see in bright light that disillusionment is not a balm but a destructive burning and fresh balm, soothing opens our eyes to the real contours of ourselves "

Night Train to Lisbon P. Mercier
What are we to understand by the word "disappointment"? Is it a mirage that finally hearing us back inevitably to "illusions", ours as if they could not suffer any denial? Preserve my illusions at all costs. Or rather because one twin is the other? Illusions that made the choice to disillusion! The disillusionment is to be lost in this game of ice.
Disillusionment I can live like a fall into a bottomless pit as I prepare to cross the bridge between what I hope this happens to me. Although the landscape on the other side appears to me quite clear and solid railing, soil slips away. Whether I'm holding and I put all my rage, I can not cross the bridge. I fall. Will I at some point touch the ground?
Do you remember one of your disappointments? For you, is it as a meltdown or a stabbing or something that breaks through you? Something that will disintegrate or emissions? Difficult to remember a disappointment.
Do you remember an illusion?
For me it would be like if all my features pointing upwards and dilated with a smile, eyes lost in a cloudless horizon, an experience that I would fulfill a yet mad energy. That would be the illusion of a world who knows my expectations and be organized to meet them. Who is the magician? Me, the other, another even bigger?
And you, what is your illusion? What you it tells you on your innermost being-the pre-taboos on your expectations - the ones you're alone (e) know-your dreams-the ones you hardly dare to remember? What do you do with your disappointment?
Like this wise sentence that says "wanting things to happen as they happen." Take five minutes to think and you'll see that it is endowed with healing power. If you agree to make an effort to consider what happens to you as "what should be," you will not be less sad or angry, but unless you open a path to something dynamic where you clamp in vain for something that escapes you.
While making our disappointment? Complacency it's good for us if we open the door of dreams, imagination, vision. It is wood for the fire. If this is the opportunity to make a whip to get hurt then maybe it should be used to take us forward.


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