Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yeast Infection Emedicine

10.26 .2010: Lausanne Marathon

At 5 days of first marathon of his career, Magali has entrusted this morning to reporters at the press conference of the Lausanne Marathon. The 2 short months of preparation for this new discipline are now behind it and just have to recover and focus to prepare for the test to the smallest details: looking to meet, supplies, equipment, etc.. One little bug in its preparation, a blocking back this Sunday in a game of tennis with her son and husband!
By Saturday all planned exercises have been carried out and if all goes well, she should regain his mobility complete within a few days!
Magali also spoke of his anguish as to keep pace on 2:45-3am, or supplies. These 3 hours of effort that have nothing to do with the triathlon!
"2 months are enough to have really been able to achieve many miles. However, I could go up once 120km/semaine, but there is still work. The aim of this course is to make a first experience on distance, not to seek a time, especially that Lausanne is not a fast marathon. There could be wind and cold temperatures, and the gradient is important. Now I must concentrate on my back injury, for Sunday and Monday I was really stuck. Today I have done 30 'light jogging and it's getting better and better. I hope to be back to 100% on Sunday. "


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