Wednesday, February 21, 2007

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Bank identity, some supplements


my tickets on the concept of bank identity as an extension of OpenID, here are some thoughts in bulk.

First, the difficulty of
develop such a protocol. I do not say it's within reach of a child of CP, but it is not insurmountable. This requires a modeling phase of trade, keeping in mind the continuing safety, but also the optimization of the connections between servers.
Then there is the question of
by Internet and social networks. What is certain is that until someone does, no site will adopt it. Today, I do not know how many accounts exist OpenId (I even think that it's hard to know), but the successive announcements of the last days can only improve its adoption. For a newcomer it may greatly facilitate the creation of a social network, focusing on its specificity, where there will be value added. For existing networks, the decentralized aspect allows them to open without
their profiles. And

in the world of business,
one can imagine
prospects database
a new employee can easily add, simply by sharing these relations since the bank identity.
 For the visitor, we move another notch in the dimension "I am master of my information." 

course, this concerns every individual, but also the organizations (I can put in my relationship I am manager of Kappa)

The key word in all this is security. It's not for nothing that I say
identity. It must provide maximum security, which is not opposed to a lot of freedom in use (make public profile example)

business model? There is none. Not on the protocol. But one can imagine on the services offered by the bank
This probably will remain a dream, at least for some time. But I think it will happen one day or another to such services as the need exists today.
I do not have time to develop. Not alone. But I confess that if others are interested in a project like this, I think I let myself be tempted.
the wise ...

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Bank identity, an example to better understand

In case some missed
is the result of a post that explains how to extend the OpenID standard.
ME, and I know three people
A ,
B and C
. My OpenID is I wish to register on the social network
First step: I sign on

I therefore give my OpenID identifier, I am redirected to my bank asking me identity first of all identify with, then informs me that the service requested
personal information (name, age). I finally decided to accept as a trusted site and I will convey the information requested. I am then redirected to the site

Until then, I've done that describe the current functioning of OpenID.

Second step: I would like to invite knowledge on this network.
invite knowledge, and I am redirected to my bank identity. It retrieves the portion of ID
(with between Another message of invitation by default).
I'm on my account and I want those who I know that I want to invite. I can supplement the default message by a small custom word. A message (XML) is then sent to the bank identity of my contact (B for example), including the identity card (or just the URL where find), my username and my invitation message. If this person knows me, if I am part of his relationships (where one accepts the declarative relations
, type Ziki or FOAF), the bank identity passes this message to my contact , through which he defined (mail, instant messaging, RSS feeds ...).
All this may be asynchronous, of course.

Meanwhile, once I've finished inviting my knowledge, I am redirected to

It is also conceivable that go directly to my account OpenID to invite people and in this case it is necessary to obtain the identity card Site simply (indeed it would be quite logical that it is public).
Step Three: B has accepted my invitation. This means he registered on the site by telling he came after my invitation. Again, it is the bank of identity that reconciles: when B is part of the site, meaning it accepts
as a trusted site, the bank seeks identity the list of invitations received those relating
and reported to the site (after approval of B, of course).
site is informed of the relationship between B and I and stores it in cache (for performance issues and research in the graphs). As for me, I am informed that B has accepted my invitation.

Step Four: I made new contacts through If these contacts are themselves an OpenID identity, inform my bank identity of this new relationship which can then to save space in my OpenId. End of example.

The principle of decentralized storage of which is that OpenID currently allows the existing social networks not to de-enter their information but to provide a new service for their users go on other sites without having to retype everything. should even able to "compel
" sites to communicate on request all information about a user. Let me explain. If the site
internally manages a number of additional information about me (profile, statistics, I do not know what), I'm able to retrieve this info in one click (XML) in my OpenID account.
An important point (I do not know what is the policy of OpenID today) when I change personal information (my phone number for example) my bank identity must "push" this information to all services that use an upgrade Full Update.

I hope I was clear about ...

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An extension to OpenId?

While ads in favor of OpenID are increasingly numerous (after Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL, Digg is the team that announced the support by the end of Year of the OpenID standard), I offer you a ticket long enough to imagine what could be the result of OpenID.
Edit: considering the size, I prefer to do two tickets together under the tag bank identity.

What that

OpenID today? In summary, is: I a unique identifier (a URL) I centralizes and manages data about me

I give (or not) access to certain data services that require authentication (password verification) is delegated to OpenId

Then of course there are some questions that arise: in terms of security, what about identity theft? Is there a type of encryption public key / private key? Or to be more clear: if I agreed to share some of my info service Doe, am I sure that nobody can impersonate Doe

and retrieve this data?
If people have information about it, I'm interested. Otherwise, I will seek. Anyway, here is a summary of OpenID today. But now, to go a little farther, and because my relationships are just part of my identity, I think it would centralize power in the same way my relationships with others (who themselves OpenID URL ), describe these relationships (predefined types and tags free), and provide access to these relations to different services. This is certainly the dream of all bulimic social networks, but we will try to better see how this can be possible. A key issue by cons is what we consider

relationship. Is
like Ziki (I declare that I know this person), or is it that this relationship is reciprocal , ie the other recognize the person as well? For now, I have not decided the issue.

But nothing is clear that an example, I suggest you follow me in what could be the service identity bank ...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

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Kappa, go!

's it, we signed the articles. Kappa thus officially starts. It is the culmination of many months of preparation, questions, diagrams, discussions, projects, business model ... But it is the beginning of a real adventure, I tell you here as you go.
More news to follow ...

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Forum e-marketing, bulk

  • Last part of my summary of
  • first forum e-marketing
  • That's what I learned during those two days:
  • USA, only 6% of online advertising is , 8% for the United Kingdom. The tone of a blog should be engaged, otherwise the players lock.

    Make your living community of customers, affiliates, fans, whatever you want, including news-letters.
    but if you have nothing to say, shut up
    Speaking of surfers who defend your brand (ambassadors), we must speak of fans, or even better: Products Evangelists. It's more class (that Buzz Lemon says) I learned that the verb napsteriser means to be ready to give first to receive then (it still has that Lemon Buzz said). Blogs are not a good source of affiliation in terms of volume (what about Zlio?).
    I discovered that the PageRank
    had a cousin: the TrustRank , which assesses the quality rather an incoming link. RSS The forum was aimed at more traditional
    E-marketers love to invent lots of acronyms, neologisms and anglicisms, but nobody knows what it means. I do not like the atmosphere "fair" in which we can not take three steps without being harpooned. In Paris it rains.

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    Membership, a business that explodes

    (Continued from my review of e-marketing forum )
  • Tuesday morning, after a rude awakening and three-quarter-hour subway, I'm back. Branch Affiliation propose that the major platforms?
  • I went more out of curiosity, because the subject does not concern me directly, but I must confess that I enjoyed. Unless the terribly uncomfortable seats. Some interesting case studies (
  • and
  • ), many questions from the audience (it exploded moreover timing). Market membership has matured a lot, with professional affiliates, affiliate programs much more numerous, and thus greater competition among vendors, technologies that allow greater flexibility. Briefly, after the conference, we want to get into the race. Except that the two previous examples have made clear they had a person dedicated full time on the management of membership, the development of an affiliate program is not the easiest, and therefore, inevitably, it's nice to go through an external provider.
  • They also recalled that the affiliate is to be venal, and most importantly for him is the EPC (Earn-Per-Click, earnings per click). Sad disillusionment over the human race (the words most uttered those two days should be margins and profits).
  • I eclipsed by the end, just to make a small turn in the stands, and I found myself on board to test the product of
  • Agendize , Which allows you to save by various means of data found on a website for reprocessing later. On the menu: send mail, export to PDF, but also by sending SMS, add to the Outlook calendar (I did not ask whether it also works on Mac). They also have a little variety in the opportunities to send the info to a friend, either by email, SMS, or instant messaging. I have not tested everything in all directions, but maybe something to dig. I could not be there on Tuesday afternoon, waiting for the train, and as the TGV East is not there yet, I had to leave too late.
  • Tuesday, February 13, 2007

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    No Pinko Marketing Forum e-business forum

    (Continued from my review of e-marketing forum
  • )
  • the afternoon, towards the large lecture hall (very painful for the people who measure more than five feet, because it no leg room) for a conference entitled enticing:
  • E-Marketing 2.0 - Viral, buzz, community, Pinko - What realities? What returns
  • .
  • It was right three times to a refresher on what blogs are, instead of the new opinion leaders, various examples of capacity the blogosphere to quickly destroy the reputation of a brand or product, how brands react to this phenomenon ... Ok, fine, it's instructive. We also learned that bloggers (especially those with many readers) do not like to be purchased (it reminds me a ticket controversy ? So of course, own the buzz is that it must be spontaneous, it does not control, etc.. But what makes the legitimacy of buzz marketing agencies, it is to claim a minimum of expertise in the field ... In brief, a sense of unfinished business, not having learned much. Especially
    Buzz Lemon
    that this one, did nothing to appear as a competent agency that controls about it. Spheeris by cons, which is roughly the same thing, made me a much better impression. Their niche: identify and contact opinion leaders the blogosphere in the about yourself and then offer them to test their views on your products. Make noise. With the risk of negative opinions, but sincere. And if what you said is seems unfair, do not hesitate to answer, "
    pseudonym discovered." The last intervention of the afternoon came from the company Bolero and I found them very interesting approach. And not just because the speaker was quite charming. These efforts are to identify

    communities (forums, blogs, mailing lists ...)
    you, listen what he said and classify it by subject, including whether it is more positive or negative. Business Intelligence on self. This allows better understanding reputation online , defuse rumors early on, adapt where necessary to fill its communication

    black holes, ideal target for rumors. And even get in direct contact with these communities for a real dialogue. It is less about the logic of previous boosting something, but really in listening, conversational marketing And in all this, not once the word Pinko. Yet I am not asleep, even after the meal, I promise! I still hesitate to attack them for false advertising. So, if someone could explain in simple words what lies behind this notion of Pinko Marketing
    (which is certainly a reversal of other concepts, but hey ...), I am very grateful.

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    first e-marketing: report

    12 and February 13 was held at the Cité des Sciences 1, e-marketing forum organized by . I was there, and here's a quick summary subjective.
    First, we must set the scene. Rain, wind, cold. A delight. But we will say that this is not the fault of the organizers. Seriously, it was not very badly organized, even if the free wifi was not bad ... But let's not forget that the forum access was free. It was enough to register. And I find it rather well. Once loaded a small bag to store the kilos of handouts (in the digital age, I believe, was never used as paper), I attended the conference
    Marketing Strategies: How e-mix to earn online? . First observation: the SEO has matured considerably in recent years. And especially the speech that accompanies it. Today, all agencies must think he repeated referencing when creating the site, it must be an integral part of the strategy of the website. I remember my first years in the web, when they had to explain to people why SEO was important for their site ... A lot of progress. Intuiti
    presented her virtuous circle increase traffic , study the conversion rate and increase then analyze all for define new targets and increase traffic again. Special Mention for the agency Dixxit
    whose speech I liked: essentially is the editorial . If your content is rich and relevant, you will win on all fronts (SEO, reputation, buzz ...). With the example of the site that takes a lot of good places on Google, " only through good editorial (PageRank 4 only). And a principle that can defend itself: do as if Google did not exist, create your site for the reader and not for engine s. If you help the user find the information easily, the engine will find it too. Finally, a speech rich, non-commercial (rather like expert advice) will help complement and legitimize your commercial speech and allow to get links more easily. By cons, Netbooster
    (who had the difficult task of passing on time the drink) was not really exciting. Over a course of marketing and exploitation of customer data that real examples for the web.
    followed by a lunch break which almost never happen. If you're in a hurry, forget the Hippopotamus restaurant right opposite the Science City, they took more than an hour to serve us the formula Express.

    Saturday, February 10, 2007

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    MP3 files without DRM

    Well, I do not recall or comment once again what Steve Jobs said recently on MP3 and the DRM. Or at least not directly. I just have a look on Google News, and three titles have caught my attention, all on the same theme. - The World
    First information, which is to be welcomed elsewhere. Second
    title: EMI would get rid of DRM in its MP3 - PC
    Impact Already, it seems that this is just certain securities as indicated Le Monde. And finally, the third title is even more direct: All EMI catalog without DRM
    soon - Generation NT Obviously the third is more direct, but from the same information, was rather different approaches. Well, I just wanted to share with you this little story.