An extension to OpenId?
While ads in favor of OpenID are increasingly numerous (after Yahoo, Microsoft and AOL, Digg is the team that announced the support by the end of Year of the OpenID standard), I offer you a ticket long enough to imagine what could be the result of OpenID.
Edit: considering the size, I prefer to do two tickets together under the tag bank identity.
What that
OpenID today? In summary, is: I a unique identifier (a URL) I centralizes and manages data about me
I give (or not) access to certain data services that require authentication (password verification) is delegated to OpenId
Then of course there are some questions that arise: in terms of security, what about identity theft? Is there a type of encryption public key / private key? Or to be more clear: if I agreed to share some of my info service Doe, am I sure that nobody can impersonate Doe
and retrieve this data?
If people have information about it, I'm interested. Otherwise, I will seek. Anyway, here is a summary of OpenID today. But now, to go a little farther, and because my relationships are just part of my identity, I think it would centralize power in the same way my relationships with others (who themselves OpenID URL ), describe these relationships (predefined types and tags free), and provide access to these relations to different services. This is certainly the dream of all bulimic social networks, but we will try to better see how this can be possible. A key issue by cons is what we consider
relationship. Is
like Ziki (I declare that I know this person), or is it that this relationship is reciprocal , ie the other recognize the person as well? For now, I have not decided the issue.
But nothing is clear that an example, I suggest you follow me in what could be the service identity bank ...
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