Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vuze Makes My Computer Freeze

Can we learn to be happy?

Can we learn to be happy?

"Happiness is to be happy, This is not to make others believe "
Jules Renard

" Being happy is to always be happy anyway "
Clément Rosset

Sometimes I wonder what is happiness except feel miserable for not being happy. Might there be a tyranny of small happiness that disqualify joys, laughter and suspended the fleeting pleasures? Happiness is probably an idea self and the world has no place in the imagination. In the reality of our bodies and our relationships, we have to deal with the stresses of everyday life: time, average mood. Being happy is probably the least unhappy as possible.

And if happiness was a learned skill without too much difficulty but with a bit of lucidity and method? One might smile but it's true that is, it works.

I have for you a synthesized models exposed by Tal Ben Shahar (Professor of Psychology positive at Harvard) in his book "Happier." This reduction has the merit of illuminating the four archetypal behavior for most of us and point their limits.
The rat race slave future
Earnings are still expected in the future. The present moment can never be appreciated. The relief takes the place of happiness.

nihilism of the slave past
There is never any winnings. The past resembles the present and future. There is nothing to expect. We must resign ourselves. Happiness does not exist.

The hedonism of the slave of this
The needs lieu of happiness is envisaged that in the present. The lack of goals and challenges of life empty of meaning.

We win every time because we have identified the goal that makes sense for you. The purpose of our lives is the goal of goals, one goal "unifying" one who enlightens us in our choice and we actually prefer activities that bring us benefits present and future. Happiness is a compromise between idealism and realism.

In summary, to be happy, you must have identified the goal box, realistic and depends on us. That goal gives meaning to the direction in which our lives. Since we know where to go, we lose more time for hesitation on our decisions: they are or are not consistent with our goal.

Being pragmatic does not mean the spiritual void. It is always possible to read Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, St. Thomas Aquinas, or Spinoza Manavadharmasastra. The joy of living is combined with the joy of thinking.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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The "R" time

The "R" time

If I ask you to choose an animal that represents time as you envision it, which would you choose? ...

To my First, I would opt for the panther. Firstly it is black and shiny on one side and returns to the darkness, that frightens me and I do not know and also what attracts me in what I do not know, as a surprise illuminating than reserve my time. It runs fast and flexible power and I think it is good advice to look: the panther panting, exhausted, stressed loses efficiency and fluidity. To maintain its beautiful, it must maintain the luster of her eyes, the fineness of his ear, biting his fangs.

At this game there, so I learn I like to run as it is with grace and optimism but I do not like running after weary time since I lost the skills that are also what I am. And you?

What time? An imaginary line which would arise from the past, would extend into the present to flee into the future. Where are we on this line? Are we stuck (e) somewhere? The line is it weak or strong, straight or broken, reassuring or threatening? Can we navigate to our needs, our desires? Yes, of course, is the rule of three "R" areas of time: the past we used to Educate, Present us Conduct and the future to Dreaming .

So why run leak still online because resources are everywhere and that the time being and doing much happening now? The balance is to seek what we need in the time that suits. I look to the past to find clues and solve my riddle, put down roots in the present to breathe with all my being and I feel alive in the movement and action and then abandon me to the future to outline the new forms of my time line. It is a dance with time, a tango, a waltz, a samba, a rock or hip hop.

What to do with time? To walk to get rid of emotions from the past and draw future plans. I was the timeline to stop at the scratch of a disruptive event, the emotion tied to work and build a new experience. Finally released! I can also look to the future, projecting a major test, view it in detail, anticipating this in the comfort of what I imagine that I dreaded and possible to prepare, crop.

Why stick to run after the time when there are better things to do and undo?

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Wire Light Switch From Receptacle

On the road to serenity ...

On the road to serenity ...

... the path may be long and - contrary to what was intended - to propose a series of upheavals and tough questioning. Not bad if upon arrival we find meaning in our unrest or the calmer failure to give us a lead in quiet indifference. Serenity? We already shudders of desire .. live as carried by the wind, no more struggling to sort the events, direct the will, just wanting things to come as they come. Sure, there's work before surrendering, letting go!

Letting go, let's talk. Seen from afar and on the procedure, it seems simple. Simply loosen the fingers, pliers or clamps and a sudden drop everything amid cries more or less brief and more or less anxious. Aaaaa ....... Seen up close and on how emotional it is definitely less.

The metaphor is an effective help to illustrate the picture as a whole. Imagine you are suspended somewhere between heaven and earth, clinging to what you value in life (after which you run eventually). It already includes what makes letting go a challenge. Now, look up, down, right, left ... The sky inspires you there? The floor is it far? Have you taken more accessible? Are you ready for the fall so negotiate commando ? If your answers are negative, the idea of letting go and the prospect of crushing you miserably is unthinkable. Serenity certainly nay stupidity. We can probably say that letting go is brewing. First step on the road to serenity.
How to prepare a letting go? By training I answer? Start by taking the distance (just a little less involvement) compared to things that are ultimately of little importance and gradually reduce the effort: 5 min under a folder, a mail less per day Departure 5 minutes ago ... Small step in small steps. Finally we note that for the world but nothing changes on our side we gain in convenience and availability.

This clear day, keep it to refocus, that is to be present at what it feels like to get to the center of efforts to listen to your body 's express its needs and health. Then we discovered other than those taken us hanging, we could provide a solid foundation to rest and a horizon to dream.

Perhaps it is this serenity: being gently swinging (be flexible), firmly anchored (guided by our values and priorities), the eye alone (faith in the future), turned off towards our destiny ( wisdom and realism).

good trip!

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

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Patience - Confidence - Perseverance

Patience - Confidence - Perseverance

And presto! We're already in 2010, for better or for worse. This is the rule the game and there is no way to negotiate the extremes. By cons, there are some nice openings along the line of life, a little up and a lot of light to make the journey on earth pleasant, entertaining, challenging and not too stressful.

Since the beginning of the year came to my mind like a refrain that trilogy soothing: patience .. trust .. perseverance. You may say that these are only words and they refer to realities that are challenges for most of us, in short they are only effective time to decide. Yet if you take a moment to consider, you will discover that their "power" quasi-hypnotic is far from trivial and their impact goes beyond the seconds for their articulation.

Imagine yourself ensconced (s) in your chair facing the incredible list of tasks that you promised (e) to do for the day. Despite your energy, it is likely that the stress begins to rise and doubt to invade you. I pass on all the mental flogging that you impose your story to undermine morale and find refuge in a fallback position. Well that's the time you need out the magic phrase: breathe, close your eyes and you focus on yourself (because it is important to you) and think or say patience ... confidence ... perseverance. you feel better?

What is "patience" mean? The message that "patience" is that you deliver the words of common sense "things come," it is useless to stir too much, you're not responsible to you alone (e) the unfolds around you. Avoiding the determinism, there is probably something that is played without us, that imposes its rhythm and control. By cons, what it depends on you for you to see things happen (your list of tasks). So throw in the machine 2010 your wishes, feed them from time to time and be patient. No stress.

"Confidence" ... that word is on everyone's lips, responsible for everything, deserter, saboteur, desired, prayed. How many times have we repeat "if I could trust ...". Decide now! Starting today, commit yourself to trust and see what happens different. Of course, you need to find other excuses to confront what frightens you but maybe you can choose going to reassure you that. Maybe you can make the choice of comfort rather than approach the grill. We can not have confidence in what we think is realistic and achievable.

Finally, let us come to "perseverance". This one also gives us many a headache. There are so many attractive flowers in our environment we have all become browsers, losing sight of the course we set ourselves. At least that is the discouragement, lack of recognition that undermines our spirits, the syndrome of "aquoiboniste" to quote Gainsbourg. Maybe we need to find goals that motivate us and really We regularly feed because their achievement is a source of energy. Can we persevere to achieve a situation that does not interest us, we fear we are threatened or worse?. "Perseverance" rhyme is with "matching", ie alignment of our values, our interests, our skills and our goals.

I wish you for 2010 to sing at the slightest weakness "... confidence ... patience perseverance" and remember that it is good to be alive.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Photo: from a drawing of Cambon

Messed Up Pineus Movie

Family feasts

Family feasts

"Holiday" and "family" are the essential marks lexical people happy. It seems to me ...

We can reclaim our independence, assert our need for freedom and solitude, the fact remains that the other is the only one to offer this size impossible to grasp one that lies between us and our similar and that we enrolled in a community. Life in 3D is more striking!

The first dimension could be "me and myself", the second "me and what is far greater than I" (nature, spirituality ..) and the third "me in my relationships with others ". This is another first, the family we come from, that which we have constructed and / or that we choose which of her vision on us, recognize us and gives us a place in a system certainly more or less satisfactory. Get to know it's interesting, be recognized (e) is comfortable, have a place that is stabilizing. So, it acquired another, even with its flaws it's better than the whisper of our questions nipped in the prison of our certainties. We need someone to talk and we hear even if he does nothing.

So, parties in all this? For my part, I like to think that family gatherings are a celebration of this membership, as a snub to the agonizing prospect of being sentenced to the human condition (always alone (e)). It is a moment where we forget - not only because of the alcohol but also because we merge. Sometimes the fusion is necessary, relaxing and especially suited saving and safe. Why not let us wear?

Then, family gatherings are a time of creativity and exchange. It takes to prepare the playground and spice of life: finding a new place with furniture, with serious cramming cookbooks, cursing the calendar, send invitations colored, flush which will please even if it misses. Of course, "festival" implies having the heart and head to the party, at least to want, to believe in something as feasible and warm. This is not making power over others, poor hostage surprised our culinary fantasies or delusions of our despotic but an act of generosity. That is what we lack that we delivered to the aridity of a world of sometimes stinging values.

This Christmas looms with its thorns and garlands, so we can soon exercise our abilities to party and merge with the family.

Merry Christmas!

1 Yr Death Invitation


The art of filling his net

What an incredible business that the "networking"! Essential in these times of markets not wishing to be taken (e) or for an apple or a pear, we need to find a label that can flatter the eye, attracting not lag the barge, make him want to taste more ... In other words, we put in the basket, ie we take in its network. Do not get me wrong (although sometimes one wonders still!), There is no question that business "honest" in this story, the serious, the framed, business, employment. No need in principle to sell his soul or to risk his body.

"Networking" is to build a network of contacts relevant to the deployment exponential mostly on canvas but also anywhere where you can meet people might make the connection between you and new relations (table neighbors, through family, sports club, communities of interest, anything that is smaller than the entire planet). Basically, the idea is great and very simple. In practice, the exercise application of good qualities of communication : A good dose of confidence, a quasi political repeating the same message, a minimum of computer literacy and a sweet / salty for human adventure.

We will neither hands nor empty socket head on a LAN, whether virtual or real. All "networker" competent and motivated to achieve its objective (to present its activities, projects, products, CV, career management, prospecting, capturing trends ...) is capable under any circumstances to speak for itself and its dynamics.

This is part of the so-called "personal branding" (very smart) that is "self marketing" (very shock) the creation, control and promotion of his personal image. Halfway between the exercise and the biographical data sheet (Ouch!) Is a pragmatic approach to contemporary réatité market and employment. There is no question of leaving aside our emotions, but rather to get in shape by our choice (the words, behaviors, experiences, community sites chosen ...).

What you should remember: this is not to sell but to share what we propose, under what conditions and within what limits. Learn about itself for a chance to be heard by one who seeks us (Yes! There is always someone looking for what we offer) in the middle of millions of voices that make communication and inaudible. Stand out.

equipment super networker

- An idea and a clear formulation of what he proposes;
-reasoned and an updated presentation on social networks (rather Viadéo for France, LinkedIn rather for the international ...)
- a picture (although not mandatory, we remain sensitive to human faces);
- a blog (this gives the "body" of the movement, a key more personal in the intimate without pay)
- a site (to convey institutional information)
- a "flash presentation" that is a "discourse on self / products" (type 3 minutes to convince);
- a business card (for the email address and telephone);
- openness and dynamism (that means even in writing);
- faith and respect in and for what one is and what we do.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

NB: for a critical approach on the network, read "The fate of the rhizome" in "Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze - Thoughts rebels," Human Sciences May-June 2005

Photo: Botanical Garden of Lisbon - November 2009

Do Acrylic Paintings Last

Celebrate what you are and what we do

Celebrate what you are and what we do

"The calendar is filled with festivals unallocated
and full moons announced
need only use "

Katarina Mazelli, The guy's grave beside
(The book is very funny and full of fabulously love!)

This month is my birthday! Maybe yours too? Or it will come ... In recent years, I turn to the party any opportunity to rejoice rather than let me cool with that little internal voice and sluggish which would find only the normal. The "normal" is still a bit sad when fall arrives.

Only not so much that is special to deserve the balloons and cakes, ribbons and kissing but it is urgent to rehabilitate the recognition of what we are and what we do. It is not a bulge of personality but a realignment of self against the world's indifference. Look around and you'll see that just is not seen because it is very difficult to meet the eyes of someone and take the chance to meet him (What is t-il/elle believe? What will I say How to say nothing? How to leave? Staying ???).

Forward to the program smoothly, yet one that raises the temperature without damaging anything which secures the deepest part of ourselves the certainty of our legitimacy.

Program sweetness

1. Write 5 statements / beliefs that make you feel good.
ex: "Life always end up smiling at me"

2. Make a list of what you like about yourself
eg "I'm organized (e)

3. Make a list of what other people like you in
eg" I can be spontaneous (e) "

4. List 5 small actions / achievements that you're particularly proud / pride
eg "I helped my son do his math homework"

5. For at least one of these actions, give yourself a reward in the day (drink, read, eat, wear, share, and do nothing ...)...

What have you decided?

Ask yourself now that you win to compliment you more often for small victories every day (recognizing what is done in its simplicity or complexity). You may be surprised to observe how the small things, small steps, small gestures are meaningful and holders of the greatest victories.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

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Shadow and Light

Shadow and Light

Holidays are already behind us but their shadow still lingers deliciously on the flat area of our office. Our indoor theater refused to show the programs re-entry and display of our thoughts we loop back the laughter summer moments. Yet September is there. We will have set foot there and do our missions in a sparkling new horizon.

It's funny that the shadow can both suggest freshness and terror. The coolness is that we protect the light burning and reveals the stifling heat and sometimes makes us crazy. In the shade we're a bit hidden the body at the right temperature, we see that we are better seen.

The shadow is also the beginning of the dark, we go groping hands in front and not unsafe, the keen sense and imagination on fire.
The shadow is the beginning of the mystery, it's also very exciting ...

"Shadow" is also an element of the theory Jungian. In this psychoanalytic approach, the shadow would combine features not accepted by the conscious ego: our fears, our shortcomings, our weaknesses, what we consider to be annoying and disturbing our failings but also our tendencies are not recognized (cf: Curse of Shadow - CS Carstensen). We would have overshadowed these traits, skills ... for fear of being ... rejected (e) by the important people in our lives.

This theory of "shadow" is very interesting. Firstly it allows us to mourn this light that we totally should be. We all have our dark sides and light. Then this shadow-if you take the time to question-is an invaluable source of self-knowledge (What I liked or repressed to survive in my environment and it is now possible to expose light?). Finally, it will enable us to transform what we thought until the other intolerable in a resource of comfort and well-being.


Start by making a list:

- what you hate in other people's behavior. For example: anger, lax, perfectionism, incessant laughter, people who draw, ... ;

- discussion topics you tend to flee;

- areas in which you fear the idea of revealing a weakness

- critics who hurt you the most ...

Be honest with yourself.

Once this list is done, you now have your shadow is to say that you always hold back from being accepted (e) by your group. You're full! Now, ask yourself what interest might now have for you these qualities / traits / behaviors rejected ...

Example 1: I can not stand people working on the office door closed .

Shadow : (what I put in the shade) to close the door real or symbolic, not to be seen to have its own world ...

Questioning the shadow : would not it interesting for me to not show everything, everything. Am I really forced / e to be 100% available all the time. What could I get a little to close the door sometimes, to keep things for me, spare me the personal time to think about me?

Example 2: I do not like people who talk about their private lives

Shadow : (what I put in the shade) to talk about his private life, talking about oneself, which refers to itself ...

Questioning the Shadows: if I could give a little information about what I do outside of what is known about me that it change in my professional relationships and / or personal? It would help me to build it link? Do I not be more friendly, affordable, charming, kind to me and to others?

Now you're ready to wear your coat of light and shadow, smiling and looking quite relaxed as much lighter.

Game wards in the dark and light

The pupil dilates when there is little light and shrinks under a strong light for control the amount of light reaching the retina. The pupil is also sensitive to another type of stimulation: pleasure.

When the eye sees (feels, thinks ...) something nice to the pupil dilates a little more than normal. Otherwise, it is reduced to the size of a pinhead. Thus, the lovers look in the eye with dilated pupils despite a halo of light. This expansion comes close small defects of one and the other to make it even more beautiful than it is.

( The language of gestures, Joseph Messinger)
Thanks Xavier!

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

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"- Could you help me control my thoughts and my body?
- Sit on the floor in front of me, rocking the pelvis forward, straighten the spine, focusing now on the verticality of your posture.
- Here.
- Do not dig the belly , do not contract, inhale and exhale gently.
- Here.
- Passes thoughts with breathing, leave the appear and disappear.
- They are scrambling to the gates, my thoughts, they flow into a torrent.
- Control the flow.

[...] - Now, trying not to think about anything.

- For nothing?
- As if I was dead?
- No, as if you were a flower or a bird of spring. Stop thinking with your personal consciousness, thought with another consciousness, one of the world, thinks that as the tree buds, like the falling rain. "

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt, who Sumo could not grow

Being on vacation in itself! Become other. Drop the mask, change costumes, make new benchmarks, lay eyes on what is not watching, feel the wind that reveals the forgotten skin, shivering. Leave the items we toss, no longer resist, let go ... at least a few moments. Just be what you are. The grass makes it an effort to push?

How difficult it is to do nothing, or rather to be at peace with immobility. Is it a question of confidence in his destiny or is it the guilt in a world so busy? The storm and the calm, the flux and reflux, breathing and expiration, work and rest ... It seems so natural. Is it the fear of no longer exist, as if it had always justify our place in our lives by some movement? How much time do we spend a day just to prove our importance?

We were talking of holidays, time to rest too have thought too much, too organized. Time for ourselves and those we love. Together. Finally a moment away from books and notebooks, meetings and presentations, a world without performance while indolence. Regardless of the place as it helps us to empty itself. I like walks, when my eyes do can not hang and it dissolves into the blue sky. While there is no thoughts, just feelings, a sense of calm empty, not a chasm but a full breath.

take advantage of this well-deserved break to reconnect with the simplicity, September will not fly away.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Belanova Song On Commercial 2010

Intercultural Communication and identity

Intercultural Communication and identity

"The identity of a person is not a juxtaposition of autonomous membership is not a "patchwork" is a drawing on a skin tight, one belonging is affected and it vibrates the whole person. "
A. Maalouf

How to work together when we do not share neither the same language, nor the same relationship to time and space? How do we build together when not experience the same relationship to each other and to the business? What may well collect and facilitate the communication when both seem to get away? How do not tense up in front of the differences we sometimes read each other so as incompetence? How to maintain cohesion and group dynamics? The

intercultural is a relatively new concept. In the 80s, we only speak of "international". The world is a "global village", the English stammer seems sufficient to orchestrate the team. In the 90s, we pass from the dominant Japanese management model (long-term decision making by consensus ...) the American model of flexible firm. We start therefore interested in the concept of interculturalism, if properly managed, is a promise of increased productivity. That explains it.

Interculturalism is the meeting (not stacking) in a group / team of several cultures and therefore different ways of communicating and interpreting signs (words, behavior, intonation, grin , dress code ...). If in a given culture "look in the eye" is a sign of respect, in another it may be an insult. Behavior valued by some, he is condemned by others. So many misunderstandings ahead of misinterpretation of an attitude that wants competence and the perceived arrogance. We hate all this mismatch, the impression of having fallen to side, finally being misunderstood and may be rejected. The skin is stretched.

is no doubt in our relationship between time and space (intimate or geographic) that is expressed vividly our uniqueness and our susceptibility. Nothing more annoying than waiting for someone with whom we have an appointment "at lunchtime." When it is for you in the standard to meet at noon, the standard of the other can be 3 hours in the afternoon. Better to agree on a technical time: time to watch.

Space is that which separates you from your partner and also the one you have to go to reach a given point. An Englishman has only one physical contact with the caller in an hour. A Latin American touch you nearly 100 times in the same time. Difficult to warm to what is considered "cold" or to give confidence to the "invader". The body stiffens, the heart contracts, the statement does not find a channel to flow. Now imagine that this represents "closeness" to an Australian compared to the definition would be a Portuguese. It is likely that some hundreds of miles apart. All Both are in the right but do not share the same truth.

" Working together" is what a team needs to do to successfully complete its project (ie a common direction sufficiently strong sense for some and for others). In most cases, the company relies on the openness of its employees, its natural elegance (we all experience the limits). In fact, the most common process is that of "trial and error" or discovered in the dark to set pragmatic mode of operation of the other. This leads to a communication rudimentary with little flexibility or spontaneity. The company can also choose to use the corporate identity (culture) to resolve differences and provide a common identity base. In these days ...

It can also build on the synergy and support (coaching staff) to rely on both the similarities and differences conceived as complementary. Each is then experience the uniqueness of the other (experience), his difficulties (what solution to propose), its skills (expertise), its incompetence (Recognizing its limitations) and shares available (eg business culture ...).

It's not to love but to illuminate the shadows that are the limits of our experience, to be able to connect more than just what we want to express and s' press the group rather than to subtract.

The 10 golden rules of intercultural communication
(Excerpt from "Managing a multicultural team" by Joseph Aoun)

1. Redraft: his words and those of others.
2. Listen First: allow time to speak to another, making the effort of attention
3. Then talk
4. Avoid delicate subject (especially political and religious)
5. Speak slowly and clearly
6. Consider the views of the other
7. Forward an idea at a time
8. Do not pretend you understood when you have not understood
9. Ask questions
10. Be patient and stay calm.

Note: Finally, neither more nor less than the usual rules of communication but to decline in all languages.

For a moment of humor click here

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What is your relationship with time ? The heavy

Managing Stress
What is your relationship with time?

Who knew? Under the bright skies of Portugal stress approaches the Tagus.

For those who know the stress, time is one that presses and oppresses. It's like if we ran out of air as to inspire to expire, a tension that freezes us where we should fluidity. So what to do when we no longer recognizes the urgency to produce, organize, meet ... ? What to do when the clock seems to have gone mad? There is only one thing: stop. Pretty tense but taking headache because when you run long been afraid of collapsing before the finish line. Exactly where is the line?

The finish line is perhaps not what we believe: the file to loop, to hold the meeting, to organize the holiday ... Is it not rather our wellbeing, our health, balance, our efficiency, continuity ... ? It's a bit like running a marathon is a programming to 200 meters. The strategy can not be the same. You have to manage resources, keep enough when we need to accelerate, slow down when we take the lead, invent when we loose shoelace, the difference between the tests and the end stage of the race.

We're not all the same riders and we do not we run the same races. There are those who are comfortable with the slow step and draw their way, take the time to be present and are not afraid not immobility. There are those who treat a steady pace, one after the other priorities. There are also those who love speed, which is to be drunk in a hurry, for whom everything goes fast and fun to accelerate. We need to follow our pace but sometimes we have an obligation to change it. However, this flexibility is only possible if we may from time to time we revitalize our own tempo. Only then will we find our creativity because we finally have space to breathe.

Intuitively we know our rhythm, that makes that deep down we are intensely calm and stable but we streamlining for fear of not being in the race or sometimes win. Circumstances (education, business, family values ...) we are also pushing to change gears at the point of forgetting our own music, that which makes us want to dance.

Whether you want peace, efficiency, success, creativity, dare to dance at your own pace to gain flexibility. Dance with time rather than trying to manage it. Since time escapes us, not trying to catch it.

Exercise of the Day: Visualization Qi Gong (5 minutes)

1) Sit on the edge of a chair / chair legs parallel, feet flat on the floor, hands flat on knees, spine straight (chin slightly back), as head suspended from the ceiling by a thread, eyes are half closed. Direct your consciousness to the Dan Tian is a point (energy center) two fingers below the navel.

2) Balance the torso back and forth softly about twenty times then twenty times from right to left ... SLOWLY ... to feel that anchor what the Dan Tian (2 fingers below the navel)

3) Imagine a bright ball or not moving the Dan Tian (2 fingers below the navel) to the perineum.

4) Now :

- when you INSPIRE (nose gently) you imagine you down the imaginary ball of energy DAN TIAN (2 fingers below the navel) to the perineum.

- when you BREATHE (nose gently) you imagine you made up the energy ball perineum to the Dan Tian.

5) You have 20 full breaths and normally you should feel a little more relaxed.

If you are interested in Qi Gong: " Discovering Qigong " Yves Requena. A very good book to start when you have no time to attend classes.

Otherwise, a meal with friends, a nice movie, a walk aimlessly, photos that make you dream, the smile of a man or a woman who crosses the inner smile .... also work perfectly well.

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Did Term Loose Women Originate

freedom of autonomy

The freedom of autonomy heavy

"Express yourself, do you assume, Be independent, do you realize, be yourself, be all of the leaders ... All these slogans are most anxiety when you do not allow individuals to make learning self-government ".

Ehrimberg Alain, The cult of performance

When we talk about ourselves, prior to govern themselves, still needs a bit about each other. "Know" is a program rather loaded. According to the model called the "Johari Window", our personality / our ego / self ... may be considered under four dimensions which only the first two are known to us:

- Public Dimension : I know and is known other;

- the hidden dimension : I know but I which is ignored by others;

- Dimension blind: what others know about me and I do not know ;

- dimension unknown : What I do not know me and ignored by others as well (which is revealed only in special circumstances for better or for worse).

I was saying, "Know" is an ambitious program because we need to first time be aware of what we are (history, values, choices ...), whether we like it or not, recognize our skills and accept our limitations.

But it is also advisable to listen to what they say about us. Not that others know us better than ourselves, but because they can see what we can not access because they are watching us from another angle: the others are not as hell but an indispensable mirror.

However, remember that like any mirror, it can be distorting. At first, there must therefore be to sort out:

- which is projected onto you and that belongs to another (usually expressed as a reproach and lit by the childlike and yet effective "is c'lui he says is" but can also take the form of a compliment at the end handling)

- and what is said to enlighten you in a tremendous boost of authenticity sometimes brutal (the mirror that makes you take a decision).

Generally, this information sent to you within the second case when you have in mind, it disturbs you, it echoes something that you find it hard to pinpoint. So it is worthwhile to linger and ask questions. How does this word, this phrase speaks to me happen to me? What bothers me? What I want to do? What it does cause this emotion (be lucid on emotion: fear, anger, sadness, joy ...)?

Another way to know is to take stock of beliefs that we have internalized about ourselves and that we come from parental speech (adult referees, teachers, professors ...). We find it hard to identify because we have become automatic thoughts which we do not necessarily aware that we have never been questioned. Transactional Analysis (AT Eric Berne) calls these speeches drivers (which guided our behavior). They are 5 in number and are accompanied by false promises stressful as inappropriate:

- Hurry and belief that it is enough to hurry to get rid of problems.
Antidote: do things more slowly, reserve yourself time.

- Be strong and belief that we will always be able to prove we are the strongest.
Antidote: you can rely on others. They are also able to understand that you have the right to be happy or not, to be vulnerable or not.

- Be perfect and belief that we will always be 100% perfect.
Antidote: you have the right to deceive you, you do not need to know everything.

- Make fun and belief that we can to please everyone.
Antidote : you can not please everyone accepts it. Say what is important for YOU.

- Make efforts and belief that when one is laborious and we get tired it always wins.
Antidote: you have the right to relax. What can you stop doing?

Everyone will recognize. This is a first step toward self-knowledge. "To govern" will ask themselves the following questions: What do I decide to keep? When? How far? How effective is it for me? What is it comfortable for me? What I want instead? What is my decision from now? How will I do?

Exercise: Shadow

As explained very well my friend Sarah Christine Carstensen ( Being a magician's life and Zen in the blink of an eye) , the shadow is consists of all elements that a person represses or depreciating and disposing it in the unconscious: its shortcomings, fears and weaknesses. Minus the dark side is recognized as a part of the personality, the more the person tends to project it on others to avoid unconsciously to keep itself from this embarrassment.

be honest! How many times have we criticized someone for a personality trait that would serve us well yet? It talks too much, this one is too pretty, this one is still too perfectionist, this one always comes late. It bears little in others what they allow themselves when we apply to repress. I suggest you stop for a moment:

- make a list of behaviors, attitudes ... you insupportent among others;

- and then think about what these behaviors and attitudes you bring if you adopt them at appropriate times.

Ex: suppose I am somebody who runs all the time, so I probably hate those slow. "Slow" is behavior that annoys me. If I choose to think, I think that if I put a bit slow in my life I will gain comfort (longer, more calm), esteem (to preserve my quality of life).


Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

"freedom of the heavy autonomy" great expression to my sense of Alain Ehrenberg.
The Shadows: Jungian concept of psychoanalysis

Tattoo Ear Piercing Quezon City

The time of year nine times

Time Time

"What time is it Mrs. Parsley? Eight hours and fifteen minutes Mrs. Closet. Are you sure Madam Shoes? Obviously Mrs. Pepper! "Ritournelle for playful spirit

" time read as a time to love expands time to live. "Daniel Pennac

" Time is money. The temples . "
Robert Sabatier

Do you know the principle of Parkinson *? The knowledge could save you time. This principle teaches us that we have more time to achieve task, this task requires more time to complete. Let us therefore less time to do things. Top start! I try the experiment now. I give myself 40 minutes (not 1 hour) to write a text .

Not that easy time barrier that oppresses me already. Would I have time? I think the more time that passes, the more I feel that I have left from. I do think that more time and I just have fear of the blank page. I can almost hear the ticking clocks of yesteryear scary weighing all his drought on my creativity.

Interesting challenge of writing about the time without stopping. Maybe I need to change my time representation. No more hourglass which reduces my time to dust and confronts me waiting for me to vacuum. And if the vacuum was reached a time without time, time stretching and not a time remaining! And if time was a carpet wheel on which we ride at our ease faster or slower, more or less comfortably! Why bother to stop time that takes us. Let it spin and stop rolling for a while. Precisely this is the case of the time.

What have we all the time? What are we afraid? To be converted (e) into a pumpkin? But those are stories for children to sleep. Are we afraid to spend our time (if I am not now, someone will take my place), missed the turn (if not now then everything is lost), to be unmasked (e ) (if I do not do things on time, I will be taxed (e) incompetent (e)). How we run away he died for our (social, physical ...)? If we had all the time what would we or would we not? What is our relationship to people? Would we like snails or comets? Specifically, how our lives would be closer to what we want?

Small exercise creativity (10 minutes)

I invite you to write in every area of your life, 5 actions or non-actions that you consider if you had your time.

1. In your personal life (that which belongs only to you)
2. In your family life (parents, husband / wife, children, cousins,
cat ....) 3. In your relationship (husband / wife - lover / lover - snail / comet ...)
4. In your professional life
5. In your social life (friends, society, planet ...)

To think standing on the flying carpet.

Small tool for time management: Learn to say NO

Learn to say "no" when necessary for your comfort. Get one for yourself.

1. Acknowledge receipt of the request with neutrality (I understand that a, b, c. ..)

2. Express any difficulty or trouble for you if you access the application (what it is possible to advance in view of the caller and the situation)

3. Make a proposal (another person, another day, another time, another century ... Be creative!)

4. Talking about positive consequences for you and the applicant if your "no" is respected and if one of your proposals is accepted.

Here! The 40 minutes are up. Of course, I would have liked to reread again and find better words, always do a little more or a little longer but the short time already. What will I do with all this trying time?

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Last Day Fairwell Speech

The new year

Beautiful 2009! Of course, this demand for a glimpse of a slight effort of imagination and some residual bubbles of champagne. So our head turns toward a more bubbly!

The new year is a bit like a back to school: an adventure a little formal in which one starts with fear and curiosity, eager (e) to test our resolutions come and see our projects. Of course, it will be a challenge, to question, perhaps giving up what seemed certain and accept uncertainty as pitching on the waves. Look away! We have our

lot of boring hours, bad teachers and zeros pointed (as we are great it makes us laugh), but also laughter, friends, dating and good copies (as we are great that we also laugh).

We will need energy and creativity to redesign a more humane world and find new teachers. So much to do, so to discover, much to share. We will not necessarily good grades (in fact there is more than ourselves to give to us) but it is possible to try to believe in what we do and find meaning to advance or continue in what we like.

2009 here we come!

little exercise to start the year : Your motto
2009 (based on the book by Christine Carstensen Becoming magician of his life)

I suggest you go to search your essence (the French coach has no oil but as everyone knows he has some ideas). Our essence is what we recognize as essential to us is a precious quality that carries us, supports us when everything seems to waver at times, is our strength.

1) For each proposition, choose an example that speaks to you and say what you like (trait positive) and what you like about this element (negative)

. If you were an animal? You'd be ... .
. What do you like this animal? ...
. What do you dislike about this animal? ...

. If you were a flower? You'd be ...
. What do you in this flower? ...
. What do you dislike about this flower? ...

. If you were a LANDSCAPE? You'd be ...
. What do you like in this landscape? ...
. What do you dislike in this landscape? ...

. If you were a MOVIE? You'd be ...
. What do you like this movie ...?
. What do you dislike about this movie ...?

. If you were a character (real or imaginary)? You'd be ...
. What do you like this famous person? ...
. What do you dislike about this character famous? ...

Write your currency 2009 !

If you look at all the responses you gave to the questions, what are the qualities that stand out and from which you can write your motto?

2009 My motto is:

Put a little magic in your life sweet :

- Write your currency on your calendar,

- Apply for blowing this currency strength to your project or your questions,

- Tell yourself your currency morning and evening. If you've written is that it has a profound meaning for you,

- Keep in mind your currency to seize the opportunities it raises

- Enter the Action!!

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger

Newest Tuxedos For Chambelanes


Christmas brighter
For those who have done me, make me and make me trust

At the end of 2008, despite the heckling of the world, I wish we maintain hope in a world of intelligent and generous. In this vision, everyone could find his place, living the life he builds respect for his beliefs and the curiosity about the world of others. Adults are also entitled to believe in Santa Claus.

Christmas means at once "birth" and "new". Take the opportunity to revive ourselves. Let the past rest in its case fluffy, watch it with the tenderness it deserves or forgetting that he must take root in the present and let us look to the future.

In a few days, 2009 will inaugurate the new year with new joy and grief because life is this. So now, let the celebration of being alive, loving, present at the time of our feelings and our emotions. Believe in ourselves, to the best that we already offer and all that still lies dormant. Shaping Our Future generous curves, invent projects that delight us (the daily loads of disenchantment), deploy the means as it spreads its wings. Building Our New Year!

When I write all this I feel full of energy that you give me every time you trust me. I want to thank you for the landscapes that we are together so rich and so wonderful what you say, what you do, what you hope, that we share the days of our relationship.

IF we had ever seen outside of what we are, as I see you and as you see me, I think we would be proud of these people aware of the role they play in their own existence, their own world, negotiating the constraints of their Male life, and yet still determined to find THEIR way.

Happy Holidays!

The minute educational : Santa

Santa Claus comes to America: it was described for the first time by Clement Clark Moore in a poem dated 1822 and Thomas Nast designed it in 1860.

The character is inspired by St. Nicolas, imported by Dutch Protestants in the seventeenth century, which was added the qualities of the ancient Norse god Odin, the magician, and Hunter's wild pass meant that in the air with his crew during winter nights. At once easygoing and vigilante, he distributed gifts in stockings and shoes.

Source: Book of Christmas, Nadine Cretin and Dominique Thibault

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger