Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Inspiron 1525 Sd Reader Driver

The "R" time

The "R" time

If I ask you to choose an animal that represents time as you envision it, which would you choose? ...

To my First, I would opt for the panther. Firstly it is black and shiny on one side and returns to the darkness, that frightens me and I do not know and also what attracts me in what I do not know, as a surprise illuminating than reserve my time. It runs fast and flexible power and I think it is good advice to look: the panther panting, exhausted, stressed loses efficiency and fluidity. To maintain its beautiful, it must maintain the luster of her eyes, the fineness of his ear, biting his fangs.

At this game there, so I learn I like to run as it is with grace and optimism but I do not like running after weary time since I lost the skills that are also what I am. And you?

What time? An imaginary line which would arise from the past, would extend into the present to flee into the future. Where are we on this line? Are we stuck (e) somewhere? The line is it weak or strong, straight or broken, reassuring or threatening? Can we navigate to our needs, our desires? Yes, of course, is the rule of three "R" areas of time: the past we used to Educate, Present us Conduct and the future to Dreaming .

So why run leak still online because resources are everywhere and that the time being and doing much happening now? The balance is to seek what we need in the time that suits. I look to the past to find clues and solve my riddle, put down roots in the present to breathe with all my being and I feel alive in the movement and action and then abandon me to the future to outline the new forms of my time line. It is a dance with time, a tango, a waltz, a samba, a rock or hip hop.

What to do with time? To walk to get rid of emotions from the past and draw future plans. I was the timeline to stop at the scratch of a disruptive event, the emotion tied to work and build a new experience. Finally released! I can also look to the future, projecting a major test, view it in detail, anticipating this in the comfort of what I imagine that I dreaded and possible to prepare, crop.

Why stick to run after the time when there are better things to do and undo?

Nathalie Martinez-Vogelsinger


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